Et tu, David?

Sorry David but the title just appealed to me to much not to use it, even though the nature of the article has changed. I had read the interview with Dave about the changes coming to Street Hope and had a few bones to pick with Dave. However, with that old Russian proverb “The wise man says ‘I am looking for the truth’ and the fool ‘I have found the truth’” in mind I knew I needed to seek out truth by speaking to Dave myself. Especially after condemning as fools those who look at our social problems and see their particular ‘truth’ without reference to reality.

I had all these great lines and word plays in mind but in speaking to Dave about the article what I had thought and planned to say based on what I had read went into the recycle bin and I had to start over. It was not comfortable as I was required to change my mind, rethink the situation and change my planned actions. Perhaps the fear of change lies at the root of the government, the systems and the publics’ inability and unwillingness to see what is real with regard to homelessness and other social ills. Worse, it would require them to think about what is, not what they think or want to be real. I am sure you all have had the experience of someone in your lives who believes something… well a little weird and have been unable to get them to see reality. They have so much vested in what they believe they cannot begin to change. With regard to social issues so many have vested interests in seeing what they want (or need) to see that getting them to take a fresh, open eyed look is all but impossible. Their ideologies and world view threatened they bury their heads in the sand in the manner of an Ostrich when it does not want to see. For some it may be that if they changed their minds they would have to take some action – refusing to see what really is means they need do nothing. Or perhaps it is shame. As long as the street people remain bums and no-goods they feel justified in their behaviour towards these people. Seeing, really seeing these people as people is going to cast their behaviour in a very different light. Looking at your self and your actions is not only uncomfortable it can be downright painful. Denial is so much more comfortable, favouring making no changes and protecting the way we see our actions and ourselves.

As I said all those lines and words – gone. The points I had planned to make were gone and will have to wait for another day, because I have learned that you need to take another look at things as we so often see what we want to see or believe, not what actually is. Changing ones mind or views is never easy or comfortable but in the words of the character SHREK “Change is good donkey”.

As long as those in charge of the homeless and social assistance situations insist on seeing what they want to see any actions they take will be a waste of taxpayer $$$ and accomplish nothing. Only by seeing and understanding the reality of the homeless and those who fall onto the welfare roles can your actions actually have beneficial, useful effects.
Think of it this way – you have a tall pine shedding needles all over your property and decide to remove it. If you insist the tree is twenty feet to the right of where it is, insist on the tree standing were you believe the tree is, you can chop all you want the tree will remain standing – twenty feet to your left. All you will do is waste time and energy (resources) to no effect. It is the same with social problems and homelessness. Your actions will accomplish nothing until you see reality and base your actions on what is real, not the delusions of ideology or deeply entrenched beliefs.

Do not try to pre-define understanding, and do not make a
principle out of non-understanding.


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