Category Archives: Media

Wrong Reasons are a Matter of the Right Reasons NOT Viewpoint

“Once we take care of the vulnerable people we’ll have to deal with the people who are there for the wrong reasons” stated Rich Coleman, the MLA responsible for BC’s extremely successful Homeless Recycling [Service Providers/government] Partnership.

Now, I don’t know about you, but if I tripped, fell and fractured my left wrist and the doctor in the emergency room wanted to amputate my right leg to deal with my fractured wrist I believe, even as a lowly peon, I have the right to decline the amputation. I also believe that in choosing to remain in the waiting room until the hospital decides to deal with my fractured wrist in a manner that knowledge, research and experience have demonstrated will be effective, I am not remaining in the waiting room for the ‘wrong reasons’ – no matter how embarrassing or aggravating my camping out in the waiting room until the defective approach [amputation] is replaced by effective [immobilization] is to the government and politicians.

What does my example have to do with what is happening on the grounds of the courthouse in Victoria and the reaction of the Minister of BC’s Homeless Recycling Services?

Continue reading Wrong Reasons are a Matter of the Right Reasons NOT Viewpoint

Reality VS. Perception – Genesis: The Justin Papers 001

When the results of Canada’s 2015 federal election were in and it was clear that Canadian voters had given the Liberal Party a substantial majority thereby choosing Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister [since voters re-elected MP Trudeau] I began composing a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to express my concerns about the divergence between Reality as it Exists and Reality as perceived by politicians, pundits, specific interest groups and presented to Canadians by the media as the Truth without any true diversity of thought, challenge, examination or analysis..

Reality does not care what your ideology says is true, what you believe is true or what you want to be true; Reality does not care what we think, it exists separately from us and simply is what it is.                   Tao of James


Continue reading Reality VS. Perception – Genesis: The Justin Papers 001

Maple Ridge Homeless – O Foolish People Part III


….. are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.                                                                                John Adams

Continue reading Maple Ridge Homeless – O Foolish People Part III