Category Archives: Snafu

Re: Abotsford Budget Consultations

The most important action that city council and staff can take during this year’s budget process is to produce an actual budget, not just throw numbers on a page and call it a budget.


  • The wages of city workers from their 2007 contract were cited as causing “serious financial issues” in the budget being prepared. Yet the contract sets out the wages and should have been considered and accounted for during any proper budgeting process.
  • Of the roads in Abbotsford Mayor Peary stated “It’s so easy for councils to get into postponing roads as a way to balance budgets”. Playing a numbers game by deferring needed investments in roads is not “balancing the budget”. It is avoiding balancing the budget.
  • Ignoring the hundreds of millions of dollars of investment that are needed for the water and sewer upgrades Abbotsford needs, is ignoring and avoiding reality it is not budgeting.
  • Proper budgeting leads to solid costing and contracts that avoid going 50% over budget turning $85,000,000 projects into $130,000,000 projects.
  • Part of budgeting is to properly account for and record all costs associated with projects, ensuring costs are not mislabel or mis-recorded giving a misleading picture of the actual total costs; preventing a realistic evaluation of the outcomes and leading to more poor decision making based on the incomplete costing of projects.
  • Budgeting reflects reality; pie in the sky or unreasonably optimistic numbers while avoiding any consideration of numbers that reflect more realistic outcomes or possible negative outcomes is not budgeting.
  • Budgeting does not ignore issues such as the lack of parking that is attached to a location and the effect such a lack of parking will have, such as happened with the Entertainment and Sports complex.
  • Budgeting recognizes economic reality; it does not ignore that an economic downturn will have a serious negative effect on revenues.
  • Budgeting recognizes that such revenue decreases require tight control over and reductions of spending.
  • Budgeting not only considers revenue increases to balance the budget but also considers and finds expenditure (spending) reductions to balance the revenues = expenditures equation.

These are but highlights of the actions of council and staff that make it clear that what has been produced and called a budget for the City of Abbotsford has been far short of even minimal standards to be considered budgeting.

Any review of the actions and behaviours of Abbotsford city council and staff and the results of those actions and behaviours makes it clear that the only use (only purpose?) of the document produced and called a budget was in meeting the statutory requirement to produce a yearly/5 year budget.

Budgeting is a management and planning tool. It is not telling staff to produce a document that meets X requirements.

A budget is a financial plan. A municipal budget indicates the municipal government’s income sources and allocates funds to police, roads, parks and recreation, wages, fire and the like; it includes provisions for needed infrastructure improvements to water and sewage treatment, for the levels of road maintenance actually needed (as opposed to a convenient ‘fill’ number), it includes realistic revenue numbers – not last year plus y% increase in an economic meltdown

Fundamentally, the budgeting process is a method to improve operations; it is a continuous effort to specify what should be done to get the job completed in the best possible way. The budgeting process is a tool for obtaining the most productive and cost effective use of the city’s resources. Budgets also represent planning and control devices that enable city management and council to anticipate change and adapt to it.

Operations in today’s economic environment are complex. The budget (and control) process provides a better basis for understanding the city’s operations and for planning ahead. This increased understanding leads to faster reactions to developing events, increasing the city’s ability to perform effectively.

Budgeting is a most important financial tool – if done properly.

I propose that council and staff resolve to:

  1. LISTEN to the feedback from taxpayers at the budget consultations, not just sit there, and use the good suggestions.
  2. Go back to the beginning and generate a proper budget by following proper budgeting and accounting procedures.
  3. Full disclosure on what revenues and expenditures are included in the budget, permitting the public to provide feedback on its priorities for spending.

While a radical change, investing time in proper budgeting would result in numerous fiscal benefits to Abbotsford and its taxpayers.

Mayor warns of ‘serious’ financial issues in 2010.

Mayor Peary is right that Abbotsford faces ‘serious’ financial issues; he is however totally wrong that these ‘serious’ financial issues are limited to 2010 or that these “serious’ financial issues are about revenue and expenditure and completely in error that a gas tax is either necessary or would address these ‘serious’ financial issues.

At its core it is not a matter of dollars and cents that has put the city in its current state of financial and infrastructure problems.

An examination of the evidence makes it clear that Abbotsford has nine serious financial issues.

If you have driven by the Abbotsford Recreation Centre you will have seen council’s latest flashy new toy, the multicoloured new electronic billboard that replaced the old, serviceable plain manual sign at a cost of many tens of thousands of taxpayer’s dollars.

I suppose that after they spent thousands of dollars for four flat, big screen televisions to display the admission rates it was simply to unsophisticated to have the old serviceable, plain manual outdoor billboard clashing with the fancy new big flat-screen TV’s.

Personally I preferred the old wall signs as it made changing admission fees more noticeable; which probably goes a long way to explaining the need to spend thousands of dollars on the televisions.

Obviously with all this flashy, costly new display hardware they had to spend the hundreds of dollars they did on replacing the perfectly serviceable old lane/lesson pool deck signs for signs with better graphics.

After all ARC is part of Parks and Recreation, a department that felt the need to spend over a hundred thousand dollars to purchase a used jungle gym. As a kids structure it is undoubtedly brightly coloured and so impossible for council or management to resist.

After council and management felt the need to splurge for ARC’s expensive but colourful and flashy new billboard it is hardly surprising council felt the needs to spend $1.2 million more than necessary for a score clock.

A few hundred here, a few thousand on this and tens of thousands on that; a hundred thousand on this ‘deal’, a million plus on bells, whistles and flashy bright lights for a scoreboard…

After a while all this unnecessary spending adds up to millions of taxpayer dollars.

Council’s ‘need’ for a gas tax is no different that the ‘need’ for money any shopaholic, addict has.

I ‘need’ a new car, a new computer, a flat screen plasma television … but as a financially responsible person I budget and set priorities.

It is council that has taken the city from being debt free a short two and a half years ago to being burdened with debt, still facing the need for major spending investments in infrastructure and with the mayor and council mounting a campaign to convince taxpayers that there is no choice but to raise taxes by $10 million a year – or more.

No it is not revenue and expenses that are the ‘serious’ financial issues that the City of Abbotsford  must deal with. Prudent budgeting and spending will resolve the city’s budget challenges.

The nine ‘serious’ financial issues that threaten Abbotsford are the mayor and council. Taxpayers really cannot do much about whether this state of affairs is a result of the mayor and council only caring about re-election or lack the ability for budgeting and fiscal discipline.

What we can do is demand council do more than pay lip service to the budgeting process. It is time taxpayers and council took a hard look at what money truly needs to be spent on and items that can be postponed or even forgone.

Any reasonable, responsible and prudent person looking over the numbers published by the city as justification for the need for large revenue increases in 2010 can easily find millions of dollars that do not ‘have’ to be spent.

It is clear that as part of ‘encouraging’ council to discharge its fiduciary duties in a responsible manner it is necessary to cut off what council and city management consider a bottomless well of money.

Taxpayers need to make it clear to Gordon Campbell, Bill Bennett and our local MLA’s that it is unacceptable for them to encourage Abbotsford’s councils spendthrift ways by granting them a gas tax.

Taxpayers also need to make clear to council, via e-mail or attending the budget meetings, the need for council to stop spend, spend, spend and exercise fiscal discipline as do taxpayers and other municipalities.


Bruce, Craig and Housing.

Craig Holuboch and Bruce are why I was and am so disgusted by the behaviour of city council and the people of the neighbourhood about the lost supported, affordable housing project proposed for 2323 Emerson Street, Abbotsford.

The relapse rate for those in transition from treatment to the outside world is so high that treatment is referred to as “a relapse preparation program” by some.

It is a transition full of challenges that is made far more difficult by the lack of safe, healthy affordable housing. Particularly housing that comes with support for the rough patches; support geared to the individuals needs.

Having watched the toll (in the form of relapsing) the lack of affordable, safe, healthy supportive housing takes on those coming out of treatment, it would seem to be a no brainer to provide this needed housing. Apparently not to government, even though it has been demonstrated that providing this housing has a dramatic effect on the rate of success of those transitioning out of treatment.

It is expensive and costly to keep recycling people through the treatment/help/programs systems and industry, time after time after time. Not just in terms of the large expenditure of tax dollars spent, but also in terms of the human toll it takes on those being run through the system time after time.

The path to recovery and wellness is like building a car for a journey. Putting a powerful engine in won’t accomplish much without a transmission. Similarly treatment (the engine) doesn’t accomplish much without a successful way to transition (the transmission) out of treatment back into the world.

Making that transition is hard and stressful enough without the burden of less than supportive, healthy, safe and affordable housing.

Bruce is an interesting case and a person I have known going back to the time I was homeless.

People, who see him pushing his overflowing cart along the street, do not see the intelligent man that Bruce is. I always appreciate the opportunity to engage in discourse with him, an opportunity that occurs as we are both frequent visitors to the library.

If one takes the time to sit and talk to Bruce it is quickly apparent that he is aware of the fact his packrat ways are what prevent him from being housed. Having experienced it I empathize with being intellectually aware of what the problem is – but being powerless to do anything about it.

It is interesting that not many weeks ago that Bruce and I were sitting in the library lobby having a conversation as to what would be necessary for him to find – and stay in – housing. It was not really all that difficult to arrive at a conclusion. Since Bruce finds himself powerless over his packrat ways, what he needs is help to deal with this reality of his life.

What Bruce needs is housing that comes with support in the form of help to decide which of his finds he will keep and which will be removed from the premises. He needs someone to build a relationship and gently but firmly, on at least a weekly basis, invest the time to help Bruce sort and choose the ‘keepers’. Bruce did feel that shelving to organize and manage his finds would be quite helpful in managing his collection.

Safe affordable housing that provides the type of support an individual needs is part of the basic foundation needed to help Craig, Bruce and similar people thrive. Providing this type of housing is not only the ethical thing to do – it has the bonus of saving money.

Where’s the Homeless Housing?


That is the question on the lips of the homeless after reading the “Homeless in the City” series of articles.

They had thought that ‘being homeless’ referred to those without housing, rather than ‘homeless’ referring to those who did not own their own homes.

The Harmony Flex Housing Development is about OWNERSHIP, about making home ownership a viable option for those whose income is not sufficient to achieve home ownership without the favourable terms associated with this development.

While we need to find innovative ways to make home ownership affordable for more people …… those who this development will enable to own their home are currently housed and not on or in danger of finding themselves on the streets of Abbotsford.

The Harmony Flex Housing Development has and continues to take time and attention away from the urgent, critical need for housing for the homeless, those who are on their way to homelessness and those in danger of becoming homeless.

Should the churches and others listen to Councillor Smith and focus on this type of development it would be to the detriment of the people in need of safe, healthy affordable housing.

The priority for housing is, as it has been for years: for minimal barrier housing for those with addiction and mental health issues and those just plain hard to house because they are who they are; for supportive transitional housing for all those coming out of treatment in order to break the cycle of relapse/treatment/relapse; for supportive housing that is stable and long term for those (brain injury, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome etc) who need continued support to thrive.

Contrast the effort and speed of getting homeownership housing built for those who are home(ownership)less with the years of excuse making the homeless living on streets of Abbotsford have faced on housing.

It is excuse making. Half the people voted against Plan A but council bulled ahead because they were determined to build Plan A. Council found land, money and when projects were over budget, council found more money; council wanted to build Plan A and, to *bleep* with the consequences they did.

If council had a desire to build affordable housing for the homeless rather than form a committee and pay lip-service to building housing for the homeless, then we would have built and be building affordable housing for the homeless and those in need and the homeless would not, year after year after year, be asking:


Abbotsford’s Housing Leadership Vacuum

Reading Mayor George Peary’s comments regarding homelessness left me wondering if councillors are issued a simple ‘crib sheet’ or whether they are required to memorize the ‘official city response’ to parrot back on questions about homelessness.

Setting aside why it is that the City of Abbotsford  has such a limited amount of city owned land, one is left wondering why councillors keep pleading poverty whenever the issue of homelessness is raised.

I have not heard people clamouring for the city to fund homeless initiatives. This is hardly surprising since people are well aware that it is the provincial and federal governments that must provide funding if we are to begin addressing the complex issues of homelessness, addiction, mental illness, poverty etc. Not based strictly on whose responsibility it is, but because of the reality that the senior levels of government are the ones who have sufficient financial resources to fund solutions.

The city’s lack of funds is not the poverty that is, and has been for years, the major impediment to addressing, rather than avoiding, the issues connected to homelessness solutions.

A poverty of leadership from council, not a lack of funds, is the poverty that most interferes with making progress on these issues. It is this lack of leadership that has failed to rally the wide array of resources available in Abbotsford and the province of BC, preventing effective progress to be made on these issues.

The difference between those communities building affordable housing and striving to address the issues that surround and interconnect with homelessness versus the communities pleading poverty or that it is not their responsibility or whatever the excuse de jour is for wringing their hands then sitting on them – is leadership.

There is a desperate need for affordable, supportive, minimal barrier housing in Abbotsford. The Ebenezer home, a 91 bed supportive care home, sits empty. In a city with civic leadership on these issues … anything is possible.

To relieve tension over council