If this is what Black Press’s BC reporter passesoff as thinking – it is no wonder others consider BC lala land

I wish I could say my first thought upon seeing the title of Tom Fletcher’s “Discerning bums prefer ocean view” was that he was talking about the type of “bum” who would accept payment for writing trite, cliqued trivial nonsense just to meet the mortgage payment on his ocean view home. But I would be lying since it was clear that this was going to be another thoughtless rant about complex social issues. Reading this foolishness, as I did right after reading the News “Our View” on the same page, I did think that the employees of Black Press might want to insist on an environment study. Brain damage due to hazardous environmental contaminants seems a most plausible explanation for the lack of brain function inherent in both demonstrations of an inability to reason.

Given the closeness to Abbotsford and the people travelling between the two communities, perhaps the reason that nobody wanted to accept the offer of work is that they heard what happened with a similar offer made in Abbotsford. In this case the homeless accepted the promise of employment and the opportunity to move forward with their lives. As soon as the media spotlight moved on this “plenty of work” suddenly disappeared and the workers found themselves not only homeless but in many ways worse off than before they accepted “work”. Had they said “No” to the offer of work fingers would point and tongues wag about them not wanting to work, but where was/is all that moral indignation when the employer fails to keep his commitment?

Having spent long months living outside, due to circumstances beyond my control, I got lots of fresh air and retain my ability to cogitate. Which means that I am not foolish enough to see only black or white in what is a complex, many faceted situation made immensely more convoluted because it is, at its very core, a people problem. Of course some homeless do not want to work. On the other hand I, and I am sure many readers, have known people whose only “ability” was to be able to get paid for doing nothing (or at least nothing useful) on the job. There are those who defraud the Health Care system. Would it be sensible to address the problem of fraud by shutting down Medicare? While this approach would certainly stop all fraud, it would condemn all those others who do not abuse the system but seek only help in getting well to continue suffering. In the same manner I find it maddening, frustrating and disingenuous – not to mention totally lacking in any sense or compassion – to use the “bad apples” to condemn everyone else to continued depravations.

Mr. Fletcher so easily holds forth that some homeless would not accept housing even if it was available, with wilful blindness ignoring just how wrenching a transition this change is. Even being motivated and full of desire to begin the transition from living in my car it was most challenging to hang in and get used to being inside. Confined, jailed, walls closing in, on the verge of panic attacks – all of these were feelings I had to deal with. To a certain degree it was only stubbornness (an attribute I am noted for, although not always in a complimentary fashion) that drove me to hang in there. What truly allowed/helped me to make this gruelling adjustment was that I was participating in an 8 week psychiatric out-patient program during this time. Been there, done that and it was torturous – not some easily accomplished task.

Ah yes, Mr. Pakarinen. As those who know the views, approaches and behaviours of both of us, including Kerry himself, could tell you – I have serious philosophical and methodological differences with Mr. Pakarinen. Unfortunately it has become apparent that in order to get the media, and more importantly the citizens of our communities, province and the country itself to actually – well more accurately hopefully actually think with careful consideration about these full of twists and turns, interrelated and thorny matters you need to get the citizens and journalists attention. Since both these groups seem to approach any issue that actually involves careful thought and rational action with all the willingness of a jackass learning something new, the only approach that seems to hold any promise for a useful dialogue is the same approach one would employ in teaching a jackass something new. First you get a two by four, then you drive the jackass right between the eyes with the two by four to get its attention, then you proceed with the lesson. While, as said I have serious differences with Mr. Pakarinen he does function well as a two by four for the media and public.

Complex, byzantine, no nice neat easy answers, requiring long term commitment. All these statements are true. One of the biggest barriers to public understanding is that the only true way to begin to fully get an appreciation for this mess is to journey through it. Being in the process of the journey myself, I would not wish such a learning experience on anyone – including those who so blithely pontificate on the matter.

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