Extreme Weather

It is past cold, into the realm of bitchin’ cold. With all the snow on the ground, the fierce wind and the cold, the weather is life threatening. Many of the Abbotsford residents living on the streets have been sought whatever shelter, at whatever “price” they must “pay”, just to survive. For the first time in Abbotsford there is an Extreme Weather Plan in place and the coordinator of the plan has been checking up on the current population of the Salvation Army’s emergency shelter in case it is necessary to open additional beds.

Why is it that this year, for the very first time, Abbotsford has an Extreme Weather Plan in place? Because some concerned citizens gave their time and effort to get together to develop a plan and to get the plan approved by the provincial agency responsible for overseeing these plans, to ensure that when the weather turns deadly there are beds available to save lives. The City of Abbotsford is so lacking in leadership and vision that a group of citizens were forced to get together to address this life threatening issue.

Perhaps even more disheartening is that, in a city noted for the number of churches within its borders, not one was willing to step forward to open its doors to the poor and destitute when extreme weather threatens their lives. Apparently churches in Abbotsford favour the Inquisition behaviour model, distaining the lesson of the Good Samaritan.

Providentially for those so unfortunate as to find themselves homeless in Abbotsford, there are citizens whose principles and spirit values compel them to step forward to provide leadership and to render life-sustaining aid to those in need. Sadly, for the soul of our City, there seem far to few of these people willing to love their brother – even those brothers so many consider undeserving of love.

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