Banned and Forbidden in Abbotsford.

Free Speech, citizen’s right to access information in city records and the right to hear or express dissenting views seem to have been added to the long list of things, such as fun, forbidden in Abbotsford.

Apparently City Hall and Council are continuing their assault on these rights. It looks as though the Post’s behaving like a newspaper rather than a cheering section for the City has upset city hall and city politicos. Once upon a time not long ago those unfortunate souls who did not receive the Post delivered to their homes could drop by some of Abbotsford’s city facilities and pickup their copy of the Post. Nevermore.

The Post it seems has become publication non grata on city property. Their crimes: not unquestioningly accepting decrees for city hall or council as from on high; daring to ask questions about city claims; to present both sides of questions and the argument; to – GASP! – disagree in print with city positions. These crimes may also serve to explain the appearance and long stay of a stop work order on the new home of the Post.

It was objectionable enough when the city trampled on the free speech rights of those who disagreed with them during their plan A high pressure sales campaign. It was and is worse that the city continues to deny citizens access to information contained within city records. But city behaviour towards the Post is behaviour well beyond acceptable.

It is time city staff and council respect citizen’s rights: of speech and access to all information concerning the way the city conducts business. They need either to begin respecting the citizens of Abbotsford and their rights or resign.

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