At least spend a moment to think of others.

Greed, selfishness, it’s all about me ….not a very good basis to build a society on; so why have we done just that?

Indeed, greed, selfishness, it’s all about me has become so ingrained, so much part of the fabric of our society that people no longer even recognize this behaviour for what it is.

A, perturbing reality highlighted by the media coverage and the behaviour of the citizens involved and/or affected by the cancellation of the funding for the seniors programs. Threats of not voting Liberal to blackmail them into changing their decision, screams for the funding to be restored, etc …

I think the cancelled program is a good, cost effective program that delivers needed and beneficial services.

What disturbs me is that the reaction was this is taking something away from ME and I want it back.

As a society we have become so self-centred that when anything such as this happens, any situation that takes something away from ME, we scream to get it back without ever asking or considering what the cost to others is. Others? It is all about me!

If the money was restored to the program, where would it come from? If the $86,000 is put back into the seniors program, what program (or programs) loses $86,000?

If the province funds the $86,000 by increasing the deficit then we are simply adding to the burden of debt we have saddled our children, our grandchildren, great grandchildren … with. It is all about ME thinking has become so basic a part of our society that we do not give a passing thought to borrowing money and leaving future generations to pay for our self-indulgent, improvident life styles.

It is about ME; why should I consider the effect on those not ME?

The fact that ME based decision making lacks foresight, is incautious, is unwary and neglects to provide for future needs or the needs of others is not MY problem … until the consequences of this behaviour comes home to roost and good programs begin to be cut.

We can continue to make decisions based only upon ourselves, voting for those who tell us what we want to hear, the behaviour that got us where we are today…

Or we can consider others and the health of our society and begin to address issues, solve problems and perhaps manage to get ourselves out of the deep hole, karmic and financial, that we have dug ourselves into.

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