
Why is the City of Abbotsford dragging its heels over giving support to an initiative to help some of the homeless through a card program modelled on Mission’s successful Red/Gold card programs?

Is it not disgraceful enough that once again an initiative to supply basic humanitarian aid in meeting fraction of the life sustaining needs of the homeless and poor in Abbotsford has to be carried forward by so very few caring citizens?

Through the hard work and inspiration of the few involved with gathering the support and resources to launch even this limited, but so badly needed program, a hundred meals a month will be added to the battle against hunger in our city. The program will also provides some other acutely needed items, but will not at this time be able to provide showers.

A proposal, a request, that the city support this program by providing a hundred showers a month has apparently fallen on deaf ears. Not only has the city failed to grant this request, they have failed to grant the courtesy of a reply on the matter to the hard working citizens who are seeking to contribute to the spirit and well being of Abbotsford.

With two recreation centres in the city it would cost the city… nothing but the political will to act in providing showers to the homeless.

A simple, effective action and yet the city does nothing.


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