Re: Comment sent to me on Water and Shade

I would draw your attention to the portion of the letter you quoted from my article, specifically the words “or to solve property crime”. The crimes you enumerate all fall under the term property crimes, with my words clearly demonstrating that I fully support the local police in pursuing the perpetrators of these crimes. Having experienced the theft of property from my family I know just how frustrating it is that the police currently seem to have no interest or expectation of prosecuting these criminals.

I would also draw your attention to an earlier article on the web site: Crime Wave coming to your Neighbourhood (November 2005). I believe that anyone who reads this can clearly see I have no illusions about the honesty of some of the homeless or about just what power an addiction has and what it can drive the addict to do in order to satisfy his addiction. I would go on to say that as the homeless are human beings I harbour no delusions about what they will do in order to survive – just as I harbour no fantasies about the behaviours (or lack thereof) the ordinary citizen would take should their survival be at stake.

I feel the need to comment that you need to consider your own closing words “but take a look and you’ll see they live among you too.” To often those who choose to cite the argument that the homeless are thieves fail to accept that there are many more criminals who are living among them – those with homes. If you were to round up all the criminals in this city you would find that the vast majority were members of the “Homed”. As the homeless are a very small percentage of the overall population, they cannot constitute more than a small percentage of the thieves in this city. In particular I wish to address the issue of metal/recycling theft. I am well aware of the involvement of some of the homeless in minor thefts to sell the metals. The reason I say minor is only because the homeless lack the resources (transportation, cutting tools, storage) to commit the large thefts one hears about. You need to look to those who live among you.

I admit to being annoyed by this argument, not because I do not see the crooks who are part of the homeless population but because it is so often use to deny or ignore those among the homeless that need help. On the other hand I like to point out that what crime costs society makes it far cheaper and more sensible to pay for programs to address issues of addiction and homelessness, than it is to use the police, courts and incarceration to deal with these same people. I will be posting an article about the mayors of many US cities planning to stamp out homelessness because they have been doing cost/benefit studies that clearly show/demonstrate it is far cheaper to avoid involving the legal and medical systems to deal with the homeless.

The final point I want to raise is that “the senseless pursuit of the homeless” has nothing to do with arresting criminals. The police ventured into the homeless camp (Compassion Park) to arrest a specific person for a specific crime. There were those who claimed they should not have done so and called upon me to write to the papers, the website and others condemning this “invasion”. I publicly took the position that it was a perfectly reasonable action for the police to take. They had specific charges about a specific person concerning a specific crime. I have absolutely no problem with that type of action. The senselessness of which I am speaking is such things as forcing the homeless to stop “loitering” under shade on days with a blazing sun, move along under the sun getting sunburned and chancing heatstroke; when they wake someone 10 times to get them to move from where they are sleeping on the streets during the night (yes it is unsightly but what is the point when there is no place else for them to go – if you want them off the streets you need to provide the alternative); ignoring a neatly dressed homeless person to search a poorly dressed/groomed homeless person; searching the homeless for stolen goods but not searching those who have homes when statistically most of the crime is committed by those with homes; chasing the homeless and addicted for petty crimes and letting major crimes go unsolved. There are many, many more instances I could cite were the police treatment and behaviour towards the homeless, would be considered persecution if it were aimed at any other group such as East Indians or those of African decent.

Harass: 1) to irritate or torment persistently; 2) to wear out; exhaust; 3) to impede and exhaust (an enemy) by repeated attacks or raids. This is the way the police treat the homeless, except those of us who they cannot identify by merely looking at us – and that is unacceptable behaviour. If they spent as much time on property crimes as they currently do on harassing the homeless, not only would they solve the crimes committed but they would undoubtedly get a reduction in property crimes from deterrence.

The point is that this behaviour towards the homeless community is a waste of police resources that could better be used elsewhere. Again, I would argue that this issue is best – most effectively, efficiently and in terms of the best return (results) for the money invested (cost) – addressed as a social issue and treated in a proactive manner. The Chief Financial Officer, businessman and auditor in me feel appalled by the waste and failure to accomplish anything, often making things worse, I witness in the current systems. Cost/benefit analysis would suggest that we can either change our actions to achieve results or we can go on wasting resources and accept all the costs (crime, homelessness, youth on the streets, etc) we currently accumulate while accomplishing nothing. Choose.

Should you desire to stop wasting your tax dollars do you have any ideas and/or a willingness to be part of the solution?

Copy of the e-mail:

“This senseless pursuit of the homeless is undoubtedly cooler and far easier than getting off their Asses and out of their air-conditioned vehicle in seeking out gang activity or to solve property crimes. Earn the wages by the sweat of their brow? You must be kidding…” Take the opportunity to look around at the homeless of Abbotsford and determine how many of them are criminals. Whether or not they are new to the world of crime or are veterans in stealing and robbing, makes NO difference whether or not they have a home. Look at your brothers and sisters in the tent city and know that some were criminals before they were homeless. Know that each and every night that some of them are out committing crimes against people and property on a regular basis. And know that the police are pursuing, tracking and arresting criminals regardless of there socio-economic status. When the police respond to an armed robbery, a car theft, a break and enter or a shoplifting call; they do not prioritize their response based on whether the perpetrator has an address of not. Know that when crime occurs, the police will do their job to apprehend the offenders. People involved in committing crime come from all walks of life. Whether the impaired driver is a businessman drunk after a few too many or some cracked-out thief who lives on the street makes little difference to the police officer who is putting his or her personal safety in harms way so that they may protect society. Look at the homeless men and women who display a considerable effort every night they go out to steal scrap metal from homes and businesses around Abbotsford. No, I’m not talking the binners or dumpster divers who collect cans or bottles. I’m talking about the hardcore thieves who steal metal to sell so they can buy drugs or whatever. I dare say that if those poors souls could dedicate that much energy to theft and scamming, they could seriously put forth a good effort at a wage-earning legitimate job. That however, would entail being responsible, punctual, sober and honest. Don’t get me wrong…I know that not all homeless are criminals. But a good number of them turn to theft, robbery, break and enters and numerous other crimes. I realize that some homeless have physical disabilities, mental health issues, medical problems and addictions. There are many that suffer in the same way all over the world. If the police respond to an assault call, do you think they will walk away from arresting and charging the assailant if the victim is homeless? No way. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say all homeless are criminals, but take a look and you’ll see that they live among you too.

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